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marital relationship中文是什么意思

用"marital relationship"造句"marital relationship"怎么读"marital relationship" in a sentence"marital relationship"的同义词


  • 夫妻情分


  • How should we view marital relationships , and unmarried mothers and their children from the spiritual perspective
  • Domestic violence is closely linked with cultural stereotypes and inequalities in allocation of rights within marital relationships
  • The former cstdi officer was earlier sentenced to seven months imprisonment for having wilfully concealed her marital relationship with a contractor when recommending him to obtain government contracts
  • Depicts a rotten marital relationship between an american man christopher buchhoz and her italian wife regina nemni . despite my perpetual love in asian cinema , i have to admit that i still regard wong kar wai s the hand
  • It is some indication of the inadequacy of legal procedures in meeting the fundamental problems of the marital relationship that in contested divorce cases it is usually the issue of support and not that of maintaining the relationship itself that is at the heart of the dispute
  • [ br ] it is some indication of the inadequacy of legal procedures in meeting the fundamental problems of the marital relationship that in contested divorce cases it is usually the issue of support and not that of maintaining the relationship itself that is at the heart of the dispute
  • I do not want to play the game , and i am very serious and sincere attitude in the search for marriage , if you really like me to build a long - term culture , and serious marital relationship with this letter i , as long as i have the time you will be back , however , i also must have patience exchange , to be honest to say that my english is not good , and need to work hard to improve , i was losing no time to learn english
  • Questions such as , marital relationship between the respondent and the main breadwinner , parent - children relationship between the main breadwinner and the children , child rearing problems faced by the respondent , domestic problems faced by the respondent , family preparation before the breadwinner s working in the mainland , were asked in the in - depth interviews
  • I hope at make friends the center to look for the united states , england , finland , sweden , the man of the similar to me have target of australia etc . ground , develop the comity gradually , the establishment marital relationship , and hope the companion healthy body of the future , there is culture , cultivated , there is the honest man of the gentleman poise , pulling to rise the your strong hand , passing our joint effort , comprehending mutually , a future
  • Between march 2002 and january 2005 , a total of 2 , 526 users had been admitted to the fcsc , including 447 male users ( i . e . 18 per cent ) . about 60 per cent of these male users encountered conflicts or difficulties in their marital relationship , while others plagued by problems relating to parent - child relation , financial hardship , extramarital affairs or emotional problems
    在二二年三月至二五年一月期间,共有2 , 526人入住向晴轩,其中包括447名男士(即百分之十八) ,当中约有六成男性求助者面对婚姻冲突夫妇相处问题,其次是亲子关系问题、经济困难、婚外情及情绪问题等。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"marital relationship"造句  


  • the relationship between wife and husband
    同义词:marital bed,

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